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Maureen Haberstro


A time of repentance is upon us as we walk into this new era. Repentance means we walk away from sin and walk toward God. It is doing an about face so that we are facing the love and holiness of Our Father, rather than the things that so easily entrap us.

Repentance is a constant lifestyle for a true believer. It is asking God’s forgiveness for the things we do which oppose the Word of God. It could be attitudes of the heart, or mindsets that do not represent Jesus. It could be things that we choose that lead us down the wrong path. It could be resisting the voice of God in a matter. True believers do not want to do anything to cause a distance between them and God.

We are being made into the image of Jesus as we walk in His light in the word of God. If we love God we follow His commands. The scriptures tell us that His sheep hear His voice. This means followIng His instructions as we are led by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.

Lord, help us to be more aware of Your Presence everyday. Help us walk in Your Holiness that we may reflect Jesus

character, grace and love to the world around us.

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